Saturday, December 4, 2010

Snack Guidelines (2010-10)

SILC Snack Guidelines:

Snack Planning and Preparation:
Please bring a snack for 120 children.  There are over 150 kids enrolled at SILC, and 120 is the typical number of kids attending each week.  As we plan for snack, we need to have enough each week for at least 120 kids. 

Please coordinate with the other families signed up to bring snack to bring the exact same snack for all children.  Students are very disappointed if they are not one of the first children to arrive at snack and they get a less-desired snack.  To avoid disappointment, please provide 120 of the same snack.

Please bring healthy snack items.  No sweet treats or candy, please. Suggested snack options include fruit (oranges, bananas, grapes, etc), vegetables such as baby carrots, crackers (graham crackers, goldfish, wheat thins, Townhouse crackers, etc); rice cakes; not-so-sweet cookies (such as vanilla wafers, fig newtons, animal crackers).  FYI, pretzels do not seem to be very popular, many kids do not eat them!

Do not bring a snack containing nuts. There is a child with a serious peanut allergy at SILC. Please read the labels on the items.  A product containing peanuts will have a warning such as ALLERGEN WARNING: Contains peanuts.

Please do not bring a drink for the children.  We will serve the students water to drink.  We will have pitchers available for you to fill with water to fill the cups for the students. 
The decision to not have juice at SILC is based on 3 factors: 1) health (fruit drinks that are not 100% juice contain excessive amounts of high fructose corn syrup and even 100% juice contains high amounts of unnecessary sugars), 2) the environment (we will avoid using over 150 plastic jugs each year) and 3) cleanliness (spilled juice is sticky and messy) and 4) cost (100% juice is rather expensive).

Setting out the Snack:
  • Families are responsible to set out snack on the day you bring it.
  • Place one serving of snack/drink at each seat at eight double tables. 
    • Each table seats 12 children.
  • Napkins, plates and cups are provided and are available at SILC.
Eating Snack:
Please help to encourage All students to sit down to have their snack.  This reduces spills and crumbs and helps to keep the school clean.  

Thanks again for providing the snack for the SILC students.  Let me know if you have any questions!

Pam Berry
Snacks Coordinator
                                                                                                last updated 12/2010

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